Simulation and Analysis of Lightning Strikes in Electrical Systems by MATLAB/SIMULINK and ATP/EMTP
Lightning is a major disruptive phenomenon in the operation of all electrical installations. Lightning has always been a cause of disruption in the use of electricity. However, it is important to note the fairly recent and growing requirement for the quality of electrical systems (reliability, availability, continuity of service, etc.) as well as the constant concern to minimize the costs of using and producing electricity. This leads us to see that lightning becomes a hard point in improving all these factors. In this article, we present the ATP software that we will use in the simulation. After that, we discussed the description of lightning strikes and how to protect facilities from them. The next important step, which represents the novelty of this work, was to create a lightning strike model using the MATLAB/SIMULINK program, based on the mathematical equation of a lightning strike.
After that, by using the model created, we simulated a lightning strike that attacked two different nodes of an electrical network, generators, and nine nodes, using the two-simulation software's ATP/EMTP and MATLAB/SIMULINK to study the effect of the lightning strike on the voltages and currents of our network system. At the end of the work, we compared the results obtained by the two-simulation software, ATP/EMTP and MATLAB/SIMULINK, and we discussed and explained the results obtained by the two software.
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