Improvement of Santa Terezinha Farm Productivity in the Egg Classification Sector, with Application to Automation

A Case Study

  • Rodrigo Chaves da Silva
  • Raimundo Nonato Alves da Silva
  • Yalle Aguiar da Silva
  • Jéssica Mylla Pereira Sousa
  • Bruno da Silva Pinto
  • Vanise dos Santos Rodrigues


In order for a company to become competitive and stable in the market, it is advisable that it has the capacity to adapt with the constant improvements of technological evolution, making them able to meet the specifications and needs of the market. This case study aims to highlight the improvements of the Santa Terezinha Farm egg classification process, using automation as a tool, as well as to demonstrate the increase of the productive capacity and the efficiency of the previous process. The methodology applied in this work was an exploratory and descriptive research, which distributes in detail the process before and after the automation implantation in the egg classification line, having as procedures of data collection, interview with manager, and w ith a collaborator, besides of chronoanalysis. This study demonstrated the main benefits related to productivity, capacity and improvements with the implementation of automation. By proving that the company achieved a productivity increase of 128.5 prod./mens per hour compared to the previous process, where it was 7,5 prod./mens per hour, thus making the investment viable, and the process efficient. In this way, it can be concluded that the automation in the egg classification process has boosted the productivity increase, increasing the productive capacity, in the sense of attending to the customers' needs in a skilful way, without waste in the production, making the company stand out in the M arket due to the application of the automation technique to increase productivity.


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How to Cite
Silva, R., Silva, R., Silva, Y., Sousa, J., Pinto, B., & Rodrigues, V. (2018). Improvement of Santa Terezinha Farm Productivity in the Egg Classification Sector, with Application to Automation. ITEGAM-JETIA, 3(10), 226-237. Retrieved from