A philosophical analysis of AISI 316/AISI 410 stainless steel joint by means of mechanical and metallurgical properties using TIG welding method
This study employed Taguchi's Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) to assess the optimization of process boundaries. Improved metallurgical and mechanical qualities of Martensite (AISI 410) and Austenitic (AISI 316) stainless steel joints were the aim of the investigation. In order to do this, TIG welding experiments were carried out with different current flows, welding speeds, and shielding gas flow rates. Responses like tensile strength and microhardness were taken into consideration to determine the ideal procedure settings. Analysis of variance had been used to determine their impacts. The best set of parameters was found to be 10 lit/min shielding gas flow, 2 m/min welding speed, and 120-amp welding current based on the GRA. The distribution of alloys, the microhardness of different weld zones, and the characterisation of microstructural and mechanical properties were also investigated.
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