CSA implementation strategies unraveling success and challenges
This study investigated Corporate Sociopolitical Activism (CSA) and its multilayered dimensions within organizational contexts. The study aimed at examining the likelihood of organizations employing a comprehensive set of CSA strategies to achieve positive outcomes, the impact of CSA strategies on stakeholder engagement and the association between successfully navigating challenges in CSA implementation and adaptive organizational approaches.
By employing a quantitative survey research design, data were gathered through a meticulously designed structured questionnaire administered to a sample of 120 respondents. The study revealed that organizations adopting a comprehensive set of CSA strategies indeed have the potential to achieve positive outcomes, challenging the notion that such endeavours might not be fruitful. Additionally, the effectiveness of CSA strategies displayed a significant impact on stakeholder engagement, emphasizing the pivotal role of sociopolitical initiatives in fostering robust relationships with stakeholders.
The implications of these findings underscore the importance of proactive engagement with sociopolitical issues, not only for organizational success but also for building and maintaining stakeholder support. Recommendations arising from the study encourage organizations to carefully plan and implement CSA strategies to harness their positive impacts fully.
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