Flood prediction and management
Floods are one of the most devastating forces of nature, that destroy thousands of lives every year. Not only does the economy of a country suffer because of such a disaster, but the loss of agriculture and people is physically and mentally exhausting for a country. Especially, in a country like India where floods are frequent, and the prevention department lacks, it becomes crucial to early detect these floods, and inform the local authorities to safeguard the lives of thousands of people.
Through this paper, we aim to work on a comprehensive flood prediction system that utilizes machine learning algorithms to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of a flood prediction and management system. In this study, we have used the dataset with 142193 entries and to work with such large data we have used multiple algorithms. These machine learning algorithms have made it easy to analyze or to work with large datasets. We used multiple algorithms that have worked well with this dataset but some of them have performed better than others. Out of all algorithms, XGBoost has performed best. Along with XGBoost algorithms like CatBoost and Random Forest have also performed well as they all have accuracies of more than 90%.
Our target is accurate and early prediction of floods in an area, and then to inform the required local authorities about the forecast. So, that necessary action can be taken, and the flood-prone area can be evacuated in an organized manner.
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