Design and analysis of novel topology for PV-FED EV charging system
This paper presents a novel design for a photovoltaic (PV) powered electric vehicle (EV) charging system. The core of the system is a modified single ended primary inductance converter, chosen for its high efficiency, reduced switch voltage stress, and ample operating range for maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This study details the redesigned SEPIC converter architecture, including with and without the MPPT algorithm. Additionally, it presents an optimized parameter selection, design methodology, and simulation technique for analysing the converter's performance in EV charging applications.
Two MPPT approaches, Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance (IC), are investigated and compared based on their impact on the converter's switching time under standard solar PV panel testing conditions. To comprehensively evaluate the system's performance, a MATLAB/Simulink model is developed, simulating the charging of a 48V, 200Ah battery using a 2kW solar PV input through the modified SEPIC converter and variations in the battery state of charge (SoC), battery voltage, and charging current are monitored. The simulation results demonstrate that under identical simulated conditions (10 seconds), the battery SoC increases from 50% to 50.034% without MPPT and to 50.042% with MPPT, highlighting the effectiveness of the MPPT algorithms in maximizing harvested solar energy.
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