RPG based educational game on basic arithmetic using the MDLC method
This study aims to build an educational game on basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) for elementary school students. This educational game application was created using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) development method developed by Luther-Sutopo, with 6 development phases including concept, design, material collection, assembly, testing and distribution. The use of RPG Maker MV to make an educational game called Hero of Mathematics is more interactive and interesting. The results of the material and multimedia test related to the feasibility of the game got a score of 4,025 and 4.4 which are included in the strong interpretation. Meanwhile, in the attractiveness test, the game got a score of 3.8 which is included in the very interesting criteria. Thus, this Pahlawan Matematika (Mathematics Hero) educational game can be said to be feasible to be used as a medium for learning mathematics, especially basic arithmetic operations material for 1st grade elementary school students.
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