Sulfure dioxide Experimental assessment of sulfure dioxide removal from gas stream for intensive algae culture
In this research, several SO2 removal alternatives were evaluated for the treatment of gaseous effluents generated by the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" power plant in Cienfuegos to be use in gaseous stream to Ulva lettuce intensive culture. A low-cost sensor was used to monitor the gas concentration during the proposed methods. The sensor was previously calibrated and a linear regression model with a coefficient of determination of 0,9926 was obtained. The alternatives evaluated were adsorption with activated carbon, absorption with calcium hydroxide and absorption with seawater. The removal was evaluated at three levels SO2 concentration. In addition, the parameters pH, salinity and alkalinity were determined to a seawater sample from the Bay of Cienfuegos and with which the experiments were carried out. The values obtained were 8,17±0,003; 26,50±0,10 ups and 171,67±1,03 mg/L respectively, which confirms its good performance for gas removal. The three methods studied showed satisfactory results for SO2 removal. The seawater absorption experiment was the most efficient alternative, achieving the lowest final concentrations in the shortest time.
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