The Evaluation of the Blended Learning Implemented at Al-Ahgaff University, Yemen: A Students’ Perspective

  • Hamzah Alaidaros Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Al-Ahgaff University
  • Omer Salim Bakahakam Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Al-Ahgaff University, Mukalla, Hadramaout, Yemen.
  • Asma Abdulrhman Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Al-Ahgaff University, Mukalla, Hadramaout, Yemen.


Abstract—Numerous universities worldwide have implemented the blended learning as students prefer other complementary approaches of content delivery. Recently, blended learning has become the most popular educational approach that universities apply due to the involvement of information communication technology (ICT). This study aims to evaluate the bended learning implemented at Al-Ahgaff University, Yemen from the students’ perspective. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 28 students who involved in the blended learning, while thematic analysis technique was employed for data analysis. The students’ perspective has measured in terms of getting benefits from the blending learning, their motivation towards the blending learning, their acceptance for the environment of the blending learning, and the advantages and disadvantages of the blending learning. The evaluation results reveal that blended learning method is a modern approach for learning that assists in activating the discussion between lecturer and students, and in improving their abilities and skills in research. Nevertheless, the majority of students confirm that the blended learning environment is not suitable due to external reasons. The electricity and Internet disconnection have a negatively impact on implementing the blended learning.


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How to Cite
Alaidaros, H., Bakahakam, O., & Abdulrhman, A. (2024). The Evaluation of the Blended Learning Implemented at Al-Ahgaff University, Yemen: A Students’ Perspective. ITEGAM-JETIA, 10(49), 54-58.