Advanced Dual-Loop Control Architecture for Superior PMSM Performance Utilizing Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control and Exponential Reaching Law Sliding Mode Control
This article contributes to the field by providing a comprehensive dual-loop control solution that addresses the limitations of individual control techniques and offers a robust and efficient framework for advanced PMSM control. In the current loop, FCS-MPC is employed to predict the future behavior of the motor currents and select the optimal control action from a finite set of possible inputs. This method ensures minimal current ripple, improved tran sient response, and efficient handling of the non-linearities and constraints inherent in PMSM operation. The predictive nature of FCS-MPC allows for real-time optimization, enhancing the overall efficiency of the current regulation. For the speed loop, the ERL-SMC is designed to provide robust control against parameter variations and external dis turbances. The exponential reaching law ensures a faster and smoother reaching phase, reducing chattering and improving the steady-state performance. By incorporating an ERL, the sliding mode controller can swiftly bring the system states to the sliding surface and maintain them, thus achieving high accuracy in speed tracking and robust performance under various operating conditions. The combination of FCS-MPC and ERL-SMC harnesses the predictive capabilities and op timization of the former with the robustness and disturbance rejection of the latter. This hybrid control strategy is evaluated through extensive simulations in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results demonstrate significant improvements in dynamic response, tracking accuracy, reduced overshoot, and enhanced disturbance rejection. Additionally, the proposed approach shows superior performance in handling sudden load changes and parameter uncertainties, confirming its po tential for high-performance PMSM drive applications.
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