Energy management system. Case study: hospital of hearth disease

  • Tirso L. Reyes Carvajal
  • Juan Carlos Campos Avella
  • João Evangelista Neto
  • Ana Emília Diniz Silva Guedes


In this article is to describe the steps in the implementation of an energy management system and its
application to a case study, this case was a hospital for cardiovascular diseases. The implementation
of the energy management system in this center has been validated previously by the authors in
many companies with different missions whether the productive sector and services. This method is
result of several approach complementations from other existing methods, adding thermodynamics
and mathematical-statistical tools. The aims of the method is to provide a tool that allows diagnose
the energy management stage in enterprise or services center and at the same time address the
enterprise energy management to achieving an efficient use of the energy carriers. The most
important result of the implementation of the method in a hospital were the followings: Areas and
equipment Higher Energy consumers, percentage of electricity not associated with patients serving
directly, the ratio between the number of assist patients per month and the energy efficiency. These
results allow know the potential savings in the hospital and establish an action plan.


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How to Cite
Carvajal, T., Avella , J., Evangelista Neto , J., & Guedes , A. (2017). Energy management system. Case study: hospital of hearth disease. ITEGAM-JETIA, 2(8). Retrieved from

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