Matrix polyester composite strengthened by munguba fiber (pseudobombax munguba) Amazon

  • Raimundo V. P. Lopes
  • Jandecy Cabral Leite
Keywords: Munguba Fiber (Pseudobombax Munguba), Polymeric composite, Mechanical Properties, Tensile test


The diversity of the species of the Amazon flora makes this region a large barn of plants suitable for the development of new polymeric composites. The article in question aimed to evaluate the mechanical properties of polyester composites reinforced by short fibers of Munguba from Amazon not only randomly arranged but also continuous and aligned fibers. For the evaluation of mechanical properties tensile test were used. The used method was qualitative and quantitative, comparing parameters obtained in composites developed by other literature. The results showed that for the investigated materials, the tensile strength increased with fiber length (5 mm - 9.61 (MPa) 10 mm - 12.16 (MPa) and 15mm - 19.91 (MPa)) and when they remained better aligned, uniform and occupying a larger contact area in the matrix, the comportment was better; and composites with continuous and aligned fibers revealed the most satisfactory mechanical performance (54,66MPa).


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How to Cite
Lopes, R., & Leite, J. (2015). Matrix polyester composite strengthened by munguba fiber (pseudobombax munguba) Amazon. ITEGAM-JETIA, 1(2), 62-68.

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