Application of the PERT-CPM tool for analysis of the scenario of the production process of a bakery

  • Bárbara Tenório de Holanda Santos
  • Kamilla Rayane Brito Souza
Keywords: PERT-CPM, critical path, productive process, optimization


In Brazil there are about 63 thousand bakeries serving 44 million Brazilians every day, where 96% of the establishments in this important food sector are composed of micro and small companies, according to data from the Brazilian Association of the Bakery and Confectionery Industry. used the PERT-CPM tool to map and sequence the activities of the productive process of French bread, the flagship of a small bakery in the interior of Alagoas. To determine the critical path and its clearances, identify bottlenecks and wastes, and propose future studies and interventions in search of optimization in production and better use of resources.


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How to Cite
Santos, B., & Souza, K. (2018). Application of the PERT-CPM tool for analysis of the scenario of the production process of a bakery. ITEGAM-JETIA, 4(14), 111-115.