Robust coordinated design of AVR+PSS using quantum particle swarm optimization
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) regulates the generator terminal voltage by controlling the amount of current supplied to the generator field winding by the exciter. Power system stabilizer (PSS) is installed with AVR to damp the low frequency oscillation in Electric power system (EPS). However, for years, PSS paired with high initial response AVR have served as an effective means of meeting sometimes conflicting system stability requirements. In this context, this work presented a methodology with the objective of tuning the parameters of AVR and PSS to improve all the rotor angular stability of an EPS. The tuning of RAT and ESP was modeled using a multi-objective problem. Applying the ɛ- constraint method and a PSO, based on the quantum behavior of the particles, called QPSO, it was possible to solve the problem presented. The AVR and PSS were tuned optimally in a 5-machine equivalent of the South/Southeast Brazilian system. The proposed methodology was compared with the specialized literature and presented better results both for stability to small disturbances and for transient stability.
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