Potential of seed oil of Hildegardia Barteri (mast.) Kosterm for Biodiesel Production


This study analysed seed oil of H. barteri as a source of biofuel. Mature fruits of H. barteri were collected from two mother trees and dehulled, oven and sun-dried and milled. Mechanical extractor and solvent extraction (N-Hexane) was used to obtain oil and analysed for presence of C, H, O, S, N, Pb, Cd, Ni, and Co; physicochemical properties, calorific value. Oil yields ranged from 23.15-30.53% for mechanical and solvent methods. Specific gravity, cloud point, conradson carbon, acid value and iodine values ranged from 0.83-0.85, 7.4-8.30C, 0.16-0.27%, 31.85-33.95 mgKOH and 57.3-61.8 respectively while C, O, H, N and S contents were generally higher in oil obtained by mechanical extraction. The Pb level was least (0.007%) in solvent extracted oil and highest (0.023%) in sun-dried mechanically extracted oil. Iodine values of solvent and mechanically extracted samples were 61.85 and 58.6 respectively. Calorific value of sun-dried solvent extracted oil was slightly higher (36,140kj/kg) than the oven-dried (35,690kj/kg). Results obtained showed promising indication that the seed oil of Hildegardia barteri could be used for production of biodiesel.


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Author Biography

Abiodun Oluwafemi Oluwadare, University of Ibadan. Oyo State, Nigeria

Professor, Department of Forest Production and Products.



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How to Cite
Adeniyi, A., & Oluwadare, A. (2020). Potential of seed oil of Hildegardia Barteri (mast.) Kosterm for Biodiesel Production. ITEGAM-JETIA, 6(26), 78-82. https://doi.org/10.5935/jetia.v6i26.707