Modeling a closed control mesh for calender using MATLAB: Case study at stinfer art in steel


The purpose of this article is to conceive automation and control in the process of calendering metal sheets in a calender that currently do not have these resources. The study will propose a viable solution so that the metallurgical company Stinfer Arte em Aço, which currently uses this equipment with manual operation processes, can have a control and automation solution in the calendering process. Taking into account the need to adapt other equipment that provide automation and control for the pre-existing calender and with a view to delivering a lean solution to the calender, which aggregates sensors, and actuators that control and optimize the efficiency of the process, this equipment was evaluated for the CFW-500 frequency inverter model, as it not only has the internal controller for closed loop PID - Proportional Integral Derivative, it also has special functions and inputs of a PLC - Programmable Logic Controller. In this process, in addition to the configuration to be inserted in the control interface of the frequency inverter by the user, it will require the placement and removal of the material to be formed, as the present study focuses only on automation and process control and automation of the calender.


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How to Cite
Cardoso, F. (2021). Modeling a closed control mesh for calender using MATLAB: Case study at stinfer art in steel. ITEGAM-JETIA, 7(28), 36-41.