A symbolic attribute-based access control model for data security in the cloud
There have been several attempts made in literature to develop access control techniques to stem data security problems. Many of these techniques had been found to have one deficiency or other. Hence, this study developed a Symbolic Attribute-Based Access Control (SABAC) system for data security in the cloud service environment. SABAC system was implemented by developing Hash-tag Symbol Authentication (HSA) algorithm using the Message Digest-5 encryption. SABAC utilizes a 3-Tier continuous authentication method by combining the use of username and password, HSA code, and real-time image monitoring and verification. HSA code is generated by combining 5-tuple user attributes and the string generated from the user’s image using Obfuscation Technique. The concatenated string is converted to hexadecimal which serves as input to MD5 to produces a unique HSA code. SABAC was evaluated using three major security metrics of confidentiality, integrity, and avail-ability. The result of security metrics tests showed a confidence level of 99.993%, integrity threshold of 99.998%, and availability throughput of 150 users/second. This implies that SABAC is highly efficient for cloud data security. It shows that hackers would find it impossible to match any fake identity with valid HSA in the database. The study concluded that SABAC could be used for access control in a cloud environment for assuring data security. It was recommended that the SABAC system should be adopted by Cloud Solution Providers and Security Specialists.
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