Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) comparison of pavements (Flexible, rigid and rigid-admixed with cow bone ASH)
Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) acts as a decision support tool in economic evaluation of cost (agency and user) during pavement type selection, maintenance and rehabilitation strategy. The Life cycle cost analysis was done using the Present worth of Cost method. Technical Recommendations for Highway (TRH) 12 (pavement rehabilitation investigation and design) analysis was used for calculating the agency cost which entailed the initial rehabilitation, maintenance, future and salvage cost. The LCCA analysis period for this study was taken as 40 years as the analysis period have to be sufficiently long to reflect long-term cost differences associated with reasonable design strategies. The result of the study shows that the present worth cost for the varying Pavement presents the options available for decision making. The result revealed that the initial cost of Rigid pavement is the highest followed by the initial cost of Rigid pavement with 15% CBA while flexible Pavement has the lowest initial cost. However, considering the result showing the present worth cost for the varying pavement types present worth cost of flexible pavement is the highest followed by Rigid pavement and Rigid pavement with 15% CBA has the lowest life cycle cost. The study recommended that Rigid pavement with 15% CBA should be considered because it gives the lowest life cycle cost and the initial cost is relatively low.
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