Evaluation of distribution transformers based on power quality parameters in front of different load profiles
This article presents a study to monitor the power quality supplied by a power distribution concessionaire operating in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Three electric power transformers of the same nominal power installed from a Brazilian company were selected as case studies. The data were collected and analyzed to evaluate the power quality according to the formulation regulated by the Electricity Distribution Procedures in the National Electric System - PRODIST, which is the Brazilian legislation in force for the energy distributors. The experiment consists of checking the supply voltage, the power factor, harmonic distortion, voltage unbalance, and frequency variation. Two of the three transformers analyzed showed a failure in the power quality supplied in the frequency variation indicator and all transformers failed in the Power Factor indicator. Thus, this research verifies the importance of monitoring power quality parameters to ensure that the energy obtained by consumers has sufficient characteristics for the proper functioning of electrical equipment.
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