Financial and environmental efficiency assessment model of seven Iranian chemical industries
The chemical industries commercially emerged to be the type of prominent techniques in handling and generating a variety of valuable products. The present research included the description of technologies, energy and materials streams, facilities exploited in generation lines of industries. The main source of the present study refers to the screening of industrial projects in project identification steps of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) plan in Iran. The initial data of assessment estimated by the evaluator team was taken into further processing in both environmental and financial issues via the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model. The conventional DEA model was integrated with 4 weighing systems of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) models to assess the performance of seven Iranian chemical industries in both environmental and currency issues empirically. The findings classified the industries in financial and environmental efficiency scores. The conclusion of the research can be summarized in developing two types of classification based on the screening step of project identification and with good compliance between findings in the integration of DEA-weighing systems.
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