Determination of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials-norm (Ra-226, Ra-228) in synthetic flowback developed at laboratory scale from rocks of the la LUNA-1 well, colombia, and benchmarking with Marcellus and eagle ford shale plays
The current decade has been characterized by significant changes in global energy, among which the development of new hydrocarbon deposits, including Unconventional, stand out. In Colombia, the need for exploration of these deposits has been evidenced by the lack of reserves of conventional. One of the main problems identified in the production of these resources is the perception of direct negative effects on the environment, including water as a resource. As part of efforts aimed at identifying potential effects on future production of source rock deposits in Colombia, experiments have been conducted to detect the presence or increase of radioactive elements in the flowback water from hydraulic fracturing fluids, which is one of the main issues identified in currently producing fields in world. Samples from La Luna-1, the first stratigraphic Shale Gas/ Oil Well in Colombia were used. This experimental research was intended to obtain measurements of “NORM Test with Lower Detection Limits” from a synthetic flowback from the digestion of rock samples and fracture fluids (slick water) including HCl at 15%. The results show low concentrations of NORM from synthetic flowback; to contextualize this data was carried a benchmarking with two important unconventional deposits, Marcellus and Eagle Ford Shales.
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