Measurement of radiological parameters in harvested sand in Bungoma county rivers, Kenya
samples of sand were collected along the course of ten selected rivers two from each river through random sampling. Activity concentration of 238U, 232Th and 40K were measured using high resolution NaI(Ti) gamma ray spectrometer. Activity concentration of the three primordial radionuclides obtained were used to calculate, absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose rate, interna and external hazard indices and radium equivalent. The average activity concentration for the three primordial radioactive nuclides were; 2±0.1Bq/kg with a range of 0± 0.03Bq/kg to 4±0.24Bq/kg for 238U, 55±2.78Bq/kg with a minimum value of 32±1.6Bq/kg and a maximum value of 87±4.38Bq/kg for 232Th and 51±2,56Bq/kg with a minimum value of 27±1.37Bq/kg and a maximum value of 76±3.8Bq/kg for 40K. The mean activity concentrations for 238U and 40K were below the world averages of 33Bq/kg and 420Bq/kg respectively. The indoor and outdoor annual effective dose rate varied from 0±0mSv/y to 0.2±0.01mSv/y with an average of 0.1±0 mSv/y and 0±0.003mSv/y to 0.1±0.009mSv/y with a mean of 0.1±0.006 mSv/y respectively. The annual effective dose rates were below the safe limits of 1mSv/y. Therefore, use of sand from the selected rivers in Bungoma County, Kenya for construction has minimal health risks to the inhabitants.
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