Use of photovoltaic panels in residences as a source of primary electricity generation

  • Chandley Christopher Gimack da Rocha Department of Electrical Engineering at Uninorte, University UNINORTE, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
  • Emiliano Augusto Reis Corrêa Department of Electrical Engineering at Uninorte, University UNINORTE, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
  • Paola Souto Campos Department of Electrical Engineering at Uninorte, University UNINORTE, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil


Population growth at a global level implies an increase in energy consumption by the population. This increase is expected in urban agglomerations composed of residences. The production of energy in the residential area has been discussed when talking about self-sufficiency and clean and sustainable energy. An aggravating factor in the context of forms of energy generation is the great impact of burning fossil fuels that release polluting gases when producing electricity. The present study sought to discuss, based on the literature, the use of photovoltaic panels in the generation of clean energy in homes as an alternative to conventional means. Therefore, the methodology used was based on the search for scientific studies in databases about the proposed theme. A bibliographic survey was carried out in order to obtain studies that would support the research. Studies in the databases Periódicos CAPES, Scholar Google and Scopus were found and selected based on certain criteria. Therefore, it was found that the use of photovoltaic panels in the generation of energy for homes is promising in reducing other energy sources. Several studies show the viability of this type of energy in homes in Brazil, which has a large availability of daily sunlight for its operation. However, the technology in question still has a high implementation cost, which may decrease with government incentives and a decrease in the values of its components. In addition, the use of solar energy compared to conventional means of energy generation has a compensatory value with its long-term use.



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How to Cite
Rocha, C. C., Corrêa, E. A., & Campos, P. (2022). Use of photovoltaic panels in residences as a source of primary electricity generation. ITEGAM-JETIA, 8(38), 45-54.