Escherichia Coli bacterial colonies in patients with urinary tract infections using fresh and stored urine specimens
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections that affects around 40% of women in their lives. Diagnosis of UTI is very necessary to determine the steps in treatment. Counting the number of bacteria is the gold standard for determining the severity of a UTI. In some hospitals, urine samples are often sent to the laboratory in conditions that are not fresh, even though the examination of bacteria in the urine must be carried out immediately, because storage of bacterial examination causes the development of bacteria, so that the growing colonies do not show the actual number of bacteria in the urine at the time of collection. to determine the results of examination of Escherichia coli bacteria on the urine of patients with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) with urine that is examined immediately and stored. Urine culture on EMBA ( Eosin Methylene Blue Agar ) media , with a sample of 15. In this examination, an examination of the sample was planted on EMBA (Eosin Methylene Blue Agar ) media and then viewed macroscopically. Then observed under a microscope with gram staining, after that it was planted on PCA (Plate Count Agar ) media and then counted the number of colonies. The results of research that has been carried out on 15 urine samples of patients with a diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) which were examined immediately and stored for 15 and 30 minutes showed that the number of bacteria in the samples with variations in storage showed an increase at 30 minutes, whereas at 0 and 30 minutes 15 minutes there is no significant difference. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the number of bacterial colonies has increased, especially at the 30th minute, so it is hoped that the bacterial culture examination of UTI sufferers will be carried out before 30 minutes.
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