Investigative analysis of selected FSO models with varying wavelengths for tropical weather
In this paper, an investigation of some selected Mie and geometric Scattering models for free space optical (FSO) communication was done on available atmospheric data in Nigeria. The Kim and Kruse models have been established for the temperate region. In this work, the models were examined using the visibility data from the year 2008 to 2019. The models were examined under the 2% and 5% transmission threshold and under the wavelengths 780nm, 850nm, 1100nm, and 1550nm. The results indicates a higher attenuation at 780nm, supporting what is available in literature. The Suriza et al, ITU-R(Carbonneau) and Gailani et al models were investigated using the rain intensity data. The Suriza et al model indicates a reduced attenuation compared to the other two models.
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