Directional UWB antenna for breast cancer detection
A simple and compact ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna is presented. The proposed antenna is fabricated on a FR4 printed circuit board of a rectangular aperture. Two models of the proposed antenna are presented and the difference between the two models is the addition of an additional ground plane, added so as to obtain a uni-directional radiation pattern. The antenna consists of two ground planes, one serving as a reflector and a T-shaped excitation stub. The fundamental characteristics of the antenna such as impedance bandwidth, return loss and radiation pattern are obtained. The antenna is successfully designed, optimised and measured. The result shows that the proposed antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth of 4.2-10GHz with a return loss greater than 10dB, except in the band of 5.8-6.4GHz and 10-10.6GHz. Generally, the input impedance is not well matched at lower frequencies of 3.1-4GHz from both simulation and measured results. The measurement of the radiation pattern is performed in the anechoic chamber at frequencies of 3GHz, 4GHz, 5GHz and 6GHz. The designed antenna has a simple structure and compact size of 13 × 23 mm2.
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