Solar energy, an alternative for cost reduction in shops and industry in Brazil
Solar energy is an increasingly popular option in cities and in the countryside, as it is a clean, renewable source of energy that can generate significant savings on the electricity bill. Installing solar energy in businesses and small industries is a relatively simple process and can be carried out by specialized professionals. By opting for solar energy, businesses not only save money, but also contribute to a more sustainable world, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preserving natural resources. It is important to remember that it is necessary to choose a suitable company to make a correct assessment of the location and energy consumption to ensure efficiency. The feasibility of installing solar energy in a small bakery was studied in order to deepen the analysis of technical feasibility, feasibility of physical space, financial feasibility, payback time, during the development of the work visits were made to the structure of the BAKERY As part of the study, a survey was carried out of the equipment installed in the bakery and the current energy consumption and the cost of this energy were also verified, thus evaluating the location where the photovoltaic panels will be installed.
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