Assessment of the impact of urban sprawl on indigenous agriculture land in Ibadan between 2009 and 2019: A case study of Akinyele lga
This work was aimed at monitoring the effect of urban sprawl on indigenous agricultural areas of Ibadan using Akinyele local government area as a case study with GIS and remotely sensed data as a tool for the analysis. Arc GIS 10.5 was used in processing and detection of changes in the imagery. It was revealed that by 2009 vegetation cover was dominant in Akinyele LGA with 59% of the total land cover and built up area was 38%, at the beginning of 2019 a total of 20% out of the initial 59% of vegetation cover has been loss to urbanization and development, vegetation cover was reduced to 39% and built up area increased to 55%. The total area covered by vegetation in 2009 was about 180 sqkm, in 2014 it was 216 sqkm and in 2019 it was 185 sqkm. Built up area as at 2009, 2014 and 2019 covered an area of about 180 sqkm, 231 sqkm and 262 sqkm, respectively. Finally, more land in the study area will expose to direct sun ray and the affected areas will be exposed to erosion thereby posing a threat to agriculture. The study recommended that effective policy implementation be embarked upon as a check against increase in urban centres, there is need to take adequate care of vegetation and there should be smart decision about how to solve human needs and policy makers should consider employing remote sensing and GIS techniques in providing solution to spatial problems.
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