A comprehensive analysis of the simulation, optimization, corrosion and design aspects of crude distillation units
The primary function of a crude distillation unit (CDU) within a petroleum refinery is to effectively segregate crude oil into its constituent fractions or products based on their respective boiling points. The Crude Distillation column often serves as the primary processing unit within most refineries, pivotal in producing a wide range of refinery products. This study examines research articles published between 2013 and 2023 that specifically investigate issues related to crude distillation units. The research endeavours to produce innovative designs and construct mathematical models to enhance production efficiency within this context. The research primarily centres on developing a mathematical model that accurately characterizes the distillation tower. This is achieved using either an Artificial Neural Network or a nonlinear model predictive control approach. The primary objective of simulation and optimization research is identifying optimal operating conditions, typically employing software tools such as Aspen HYSYS or PRO II. The corrosion treatment outcomes conducted at the tower's upper section were satisfactory. The study focused on the issue of corrosion in the overhead lines and pumps around exchangers. This design research aims to investigate potential modifications to the distillation tower's design or preflash process to optimize production outcomes.
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