Random forest algorithm use for crop recommendation
The proposed method seeks to assist Indian pleasant in selecting the optimum crop to produce based on the characteristics of the soil as well as external factors like temperature and rainfall by using an intelligent system called Crop Recommender. The Indian economy is significantly impacted by the agricultural sector. Whether publicly or covertly, the bulk of Indians are relying on agriculture for their living. As a result, it is undeniable that agriculture is significant to the country. The majority of Indian farmers believe that they should trust their intuition when deciding on a crop to grow in a particular season or they simply employ the methods they have been doing from the beginning of time. They are more at ease just adhering to conventional agricultural practices and standards than truly appreciating how crop yield is influenced by the present weather and soil conditions. The farmer can unintentionally lose money if he makes one bad decision, which would hurt both him and the surrounding agricultural industry. As the agriculture business is the foundation of the entire lateral system. Using the machine learning algorithm, this problem can be resolved. A crucial perspective for identifying a practical and workable solution to the crop production issue is machine learning (ML). Machine learning (ML) may predict a target or outcome from a set of predictors using supervised learning. A recommendation system is implemented using decision trees. The major goals of this system are to provide farmers with recommendations regarding the best crops to sow based on their soil and local rainfall patterns. We have employed the Random Forest Machine Learning technique to forecast the crop. Crop prediction is assessing the crop based on historical data from the past that includes elements like temperature, humidity, ph, and rainfall. It gives us a broad picture of the best crop that can be raised in light of the current field weather conditions. These predictions can be made by Random Forest, a machine learning technique. The highest level of accuracy, up to 90%, will be possible for crop predictions. The random forest algorithm achieved the accuracy about 99.03%.
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