1. Professional qualification aimed at improving the customer // 2. Improvement of the process of fixing the wiring socket on the instrument panel for motorcycles // 3. Ergonomic work analysis (EWA) no packing station with focus on stationery industry // 4. Influence of variation of the distance between centers of the sliding speed gear drives: Application to the crowns of sugar cane mills // 5. Logistics supply chain applied in drug purchases // 6. Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles by microwave for aplication in lubricantion // 7. Implementation of manual methods and procedures of fuel HSC company: Case study // 8. Leverage about synthesis and dispersion with cuo nanoparticle in oil lubricating // 9. Melhorias estratégicas no fluxo logístico de cargas fracionadas // 10. Mapeamento de processo aplicados em uma empresa de serviços de tecnologia da informação.
Publicado: 2016-03-31
