Case study of the effects of the conventional concrete carbonating produced in three different cement factorys

  • Joseci Oliveira de Holanda
  • José Roberto Abreu
  • Darlei dos Anjos Lavor


Currently, the most consumed material in the world is the cement. The material that makes up the
concrete is a chemical compound that undergoes several changes depending on the materials used and
the conditions under which they are presented. Reinforced concrete is the material that offers more
pathologies in the structures because of the oxidation of hardware due to bad weather. One of the types
of pathology that this concrete offers are infiltrations causing fissures or cracks in the structure. One
of the processes that can help the pathological development of this material is its carbonation. This
research is based on the immediate prevention of Readymix concrete produced in the city of Manaus,
through the study of the application of the chemical phenolphthalein reagent to identify the period of
carbonation. For that to happen, will be studied three concrete production plants within the territory
of the municipality in order to understand the reasons for the accelerated carbonation.


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How to Cite
Holanda , J., Abreu , J., & Lavor , D. (2017). Case study of the effects of the conventional concrete carbonating produced in three different cement factorys. ITEGAM-JETIA, 2(8). Retrieved from

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