Assessment of the major contractors’ selection criteria and their impacts in civil engineering construction projects
Construction projects in especially developing countries are characterised by failure to meet project baselines (time, cost, quality). This is worsened by the inefficiencies in the application of contractors' selection criteria during the bidding processes of both civil and building construction projects. The application of contactor section criteria and their benefits in civil engineering projects is an area that is underexplored in construction management literature in the Nigerian context. This study aims to assess the major criteria influencing the selection of contractors on civil engineering construction projects and to determine the impacts of the contractor selection criteria. A well-structured quantitative research questionnaire was purposively administered to experienced construction experts in both clients and consultants organisations to gather data. The gathered data were analysed using frequency, percentage, relative Importance index (RII), Severity index (RI) and Mann-Whitney Test. It was found that the major criteria that are considered during contractors’ selection in civil engineering construction projects are; managerial capability and competent supervisory staff, technical ability, financial soundness, competitive tender/bid price, and health and safety policy/performance. Also, the major benefits of contractors selection criteria in civil engineering construction projects are; enable the client or project owner to select contractors who are performers for the project, facilitate the achievement of project success and the objectives within the scheduled time and cost, to minimise project risks, maximize overall value to the project owner or client, and selection of contractor with sound financial management capabilities. The study recommended that clients and consultants should adopt the major criteria in the selection of suitable contractors for civil engineering construction projects.
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